Have been lazy too busy to do the "experiments", thus lacking things to blog about.
Still, i made an effort to blog here instead of blogging on my money blog (where I earn from ads).
But it's easier blogging here. because i can say whatever I want. I think.
Have thingsxzx to do.
Typography. 5 concepts.
P.O.E.M.S - 10 locations.
HTI Essay (Die i really don't know how to do.)
_____ mistakes. which i have done but then I never upload. I don't know what leh tsk how.
aiya aiya aiya stress stress stress my neck hurts.
Can someone tell me how they chiong all the work ah? it's the time management issue?
instant noodle time, kthxbai.
p/s: still wondering if my friends are reading this. if not i'm only writing this to Mun Ying to see. it's like i'm complaining to him. and myself. aiya aiya aiya don't think too much alton!
k really kthxbai now. blog again.